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Welcome to my Blog!

Updated: Dec 2, 2018

While I've been creating, developing and updating the photography aspect of my site for quite a while now, my entrance into the wonderful world of blogging is fairly new. I featured about a dozen blog posts on the old version of my site, but decided to start anew. My life as a full-time college student will be coming to a close shortly, so naturally a fresh start was in order.

I'm all about change. Reading my over previous posts, I found that they sounded a bit juvenile and outdated. I've decided that my new blog will not only be about my personal life and daily thoughts, but also tips, tricks, sales, inside scoops, recipes, fitness routines, Disney and tons of other topics that can relate to you, my readers.

I've started this blog for a number of reasons:

1. To share a few of my photography tips. Being that I spend a ridiculous amount of time behind the camera, sharing my process, camera settings, helpful apps, tips and editing tools with you all is bound to be at least a little helpful to a rising photographer or anyone remotely interested in the field.

2. I want to write about and share all of things I love to do. Cooking new recipes, finding new home decor, trying new fitness programs and routines, checking out the latest deals at my favorite stores and keeping up with all things Disney are the leading topics you will be able to find on my site. Photography is great people, but it's not all I do!

3. Writing is fun. Being a final semester senior on the cusp of graduation, writing is what keeps me sane and relaxed. Checking out my Pinterest and Instagram feed for new blog post and photo ideas are some of my absolute favorite things to do. Any inspiration I can find for a new post gets me super excited to write (and hopefully gets you super excited to read).

The categories of my blog moving forward will be Livin' (my everyday life, thoughts, wonderings, epiphanies, etc.), Photo (tips, tricks, sessions, behind the scenes, etc.), Magic (Disney everything, hotel recommendations & reviews, dining, characters, inside scoop, etc.), Beauty (taking care of yourself, pampering tips, relaxation, outfits, etc.), Foodie (recipes, kitchen hacks, healthy alternatives, etc.), Shape Up (fitness ideas, workout clothes, tips, diets/fads, etc.) and Home (decor, cute finds, channeling my inner Joanna Gaines, DIY, etc.).

I can't wait to share this new (/old?) aspect of my site/life with you all. I hope you learn something new, read something interesting, see something that makes you smile or are simply inspired to take up a new hobby or pursue a dream of yours. Thanks for stopping by my blog; hope to see you here again soon!

Stay smilin'. --Steph



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