You guys, I have 3 separate journals/notebooks. I think I may have an organizational problem. My first is a Rifle Paper Co. planner that I got for Christmas. The second is a bullet journal. (I'm very new to this space, but I'm not exactly sure how I feel about a journal full of dots.) Third is a new Rifle Paper Co. notebook that I got for Christmas from one of my coworkers. I primarily use the third notebook to write out my goals, dreams and ideas.
I've found tons of ideas on Pinterest as to how I should fill my "journal of thoughts." (Yes, that's what I will call it from now on.) I wanted to share with you guys some of the creative pages out of my journal and hopefully give you some inspiration to start your own!

My New Year's Goals: The first page of my journal is all about my New Year's goals or "resolutions," as they are more commonly known. I put these first and foremost so that every time I open up my journal, I'm reminded of what I'm here to accomplish in 2019.
Weight Tracker:
I don't know about you all, but I literally love love love making to-do lists. Sometimes I'll add the silliest, smallest tasks to my list simply so that I can check off more boxes and feel more accomplished. That's why I created the weight loss log. Coloring in the boxes as I drop the pounds is almost as satisfying to me as actually losing the weight. (Totally kidding. Losing weight is a million times better, but coloring in boxes is so visually pleasing.)

Content Planning:
This year, one of my overarching New Year's goals is to get better about blogging more regularly. I do so much better when I have lists and write things out, so I decided to do a bit more content planning. At work, I've created some fun, creative forms for my content creation ideas and I thought, "Why don't I implement this into my everyday blogger life?"
"Dream Board" :
I've seen so many people this year creating dream/vision boards. I literally L O V E them. Each one is so different and unique based on the person who has created it. I want to make one for myself, but my room is simply too small for something else to be hung on my wall. I decided to make a vision "page" in my journal. I'll do a blog post about my vision page to show you all what it is about!
Meal Ideas:
I find a billion recipes on Pinterest that I simply pin and forget about later. So, I've been trying to write down the name of the recipes I like the most so I can reference them in the future when I need some meal inspo!

Mini-Victories: This is something I started doing halfway through last year. Whenever something happens that makes me happy or feel good about myself, I write it in as a mini-victory! Last year, for example, some of my mini-victories were sunrise yoga at the Magic Kingdom, attending a photoshoot with Nikon, moving to Florida on my own, and running my best mile-times. It's so nice to look back at the end of the year and reread the little things you accomplished that you may have forgotten about!

Budget Plan: I am the worst saver, ever. I need so much help saving money. My goal by the end of my internship with to have saved about $3,000 more than I have now. Hopefully, I can stick to my plan and move in the right direction of saving!
Your fitness/wellness/dream journal of thoughts can literally be whatever you want it to be! The best part about my journal is that it is very uniquely mine. And, be sure to grab some fancy new pens for yourself! I am obsessed with the pens I use! They're linked here!
What's in your journal of thoughts? I'd love to see and hear about the pages you've come up with! Leave me a comment and tell me all about it!
Stay smilin' -- Steph